Thursday 15 March 2012

Bali & Gili Trawangan

After a short flight we arrived in Bali and went straight to the hotel that we had pre booked. It was supposed to be a 'superior room' that we paid extra for as we wanted one night sleep in a decent place. It definitely was not superior and felt like we were back in Delhi once again. We sucked it up for the night and after a long night hiding in our sleeping bag liners so no bugs could get near us we got the hell out of there! Ergh!
We found a better place the next day on Poppies 2 in Kuta. After a quick walk around town we realised why everyone tells you to avoid Kuta, it is horrible! Smells AWFUL and you cant walk 5 metres without someone offering you drugs or a massage - "No i would not like a friggin massage!!!". We were stuck here for a few nights as apparently the sea was too choppy for the boat to go over to the Gili Islands. Personally i think this was just a way of getting us to pay for a room for longer! Oh and the weather was awful, it felt far from being in Bali.
Anyway we finally managed to get out of Kuta and got the boat over to Gili Trawangan which was much nicer. We found a lovely place to stay that had a lush pool too! It even had a shower with a door which is a luxury after showering in wet rooms since January! We spent 6 nights on this island but unfortunately the weather was not great. Theres not much else to do on the island apart from sunbathe so we just sat around in the day and then went out in the night. I pretty much spent my week with a hangover - they definitely put something in the vodka on that island! I also seemed to gain a stalker while on this island - a balinese man called Norman. We met him on our first day and apparently it was love at first sight. He called me his flower and a few days later followed me down the island on his bike. He was freaking me out abit but never mind!
After 6 nights on Gili Trawangan we got fed up of the rain so decided to go to Ubud one day early. This day was very funny. First, we woke up and it was boiling with a clear sky - typically for the day we leave the island! Because it was sunny we decided to sit on the top of the boat to try and top up our tan - we are both very upset that our tans we worked so hard on in Thailand are fading! Stupid wet season! We were lying down on the deck when waves started to completely soak us - this continued for over an hour. We were both dripping but it was very funny - especially as i had a Japanese guy sitting next to me who was wetting himself and screeching everytime we went over a wave and we got soaked. I couldnt breathe i was laughing so much. Anyway we survived the journey (miraculously) without falling overboard or throwing up everywhere which was quite an achievement really. We then had a bus journey to Ubud and found ourselves in heaven! A gorgeous room with a lovely bathroom (we even have a bath), lush swimming pool and breakfast for £10 a night - on Monkey Forest Road. We both looked at eachother like he was winding us up but im not going to complain! One of the guys who was on our bus saw our room and immediately asked if there was another. Its a good thing there was as i was willing to fight for it. 
After a lovely sleep in our amazing bed, we were up early to go white water rafting! Although it should have been called Brown water rafting - they had a heavy night of rain so there was alot of mud in the water! It was so much fun though and we did not fall into the water once - obviously we are incredibly skilled! I did at one point slam backwards into the guides crotch though and got stuck so my head was in between his legs - that was embarassing. He got me back later though when he bodyslammed me in the back when we went over a rapid. It was alot of fun to get out and do something active so i would say it was a highlight of our travelling! Plus we looked extremely sexy in our gear.
We spent our last two days in Ubud just looking at the market and sunbathing by the pool etc. The only day we actually had sunbathing weather was the day we were leaving Bali, typical! Nevertheless i am very excited to go to Cairns especially as i get to see Elin, Gwenda and Lucy! I am also looking forward to going to a country where people dont stare at you constantly and follow you down the street, after 8 weeks people shouting 'Massage!' at you can get very annoying! Anyway, off to fly to oz! 

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